He woke up, and that evening, his dad got a call saying that Uncle Bill died.
The next night, Little Johnny went to sleep, and dreamt his Aunt Joy died...
He woke up, and then that evening, his dad got a call saying that Aunt Joy died.
Little Johnny told his daddy, "Two days ago, I had a dream Uncle Bill died, and then yesterday, I had a dream Aunt Joy died."
His dad said, "That's just a coincidence."
The next morning, he tells his dad, "I had a dream that my dad died."
His dad was terrified!
He had a terrible day at work and took every precaution...
He didn't eat any of the food in case of food poisoning, and he drove slowly in case of a car wreck.
When he finally got home, Little Johnny's mom asked him how his day at work was...
"Much worse than your day I'm sure," his dad replied.
"I don't know," said his mom...
"The milkman dropped dead on the front porch today!"
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