A lawyer was sitting next to a blonde, during a long flight across the Atlantic Ocean...The lawyer soon became bored, so he decided to place a bet with the blonde.
He told her that if he could not get one of her questions right, then he would give her $500 bucks.
However, if the blonde could not answer the lawyer’s question correctly, then she would just give him $5 bucks.
The lawyer asked, "What is the third planet from the Sun?"
The blonde didn’t have a clue, so she handed him $5 bucks.
The blonde asked, "What goes up a hill with 3 legs, but comes down the hill with 4 legs?"
The lawyer looked puzzled but tried to check for an answer on his laptop.
He eventually gave up and handed the $500 to the blonde.
When he asked what the answer was...
The blonde gave him back $5 bucks.
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