A man in a bar notices a beautiful woman, always alone, that comes in on a regular basis...
He wants to meet her, but he just can't seem to find the courage to approach her.
After the second week, he decides to make his move...
Despite his best game, the man can't achieve any progress with her.
"No thank you," she would always say.
The man is persistent and finally, one night, they strike up a conversation...
They have an instant connection, but things never get past the formalities.
One night he asks her if she would like to come back to his place...
"No thank you," she says politely.
"Why won't you come home with me?" he asks.
"Well," she replies, "This may sound rather odd in this day and age, but I'm keeping myself pure until I meet the man I love."
"Wow, that must be rather difficult," says the man.
"Oh, I don't really mind too much," the woman replies.
"But... "
"It has my husband pretty upset."
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